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Fiction, Poetry, Reviews, and an NBA Podcast

City of Clans (Fall '25, University of Iowa Press)

Short Fiction

​"Your Father Devouring His Short Stack." Hobart. (May, 2018).
"Timothy McVeigh Snared by Kobe's Musecage." Cartridge Lit. (March, 2018).
"Putin in Stillwater." Corium Magazine 21 (November, 2015)
"Tough." Cleaver Magazine 6 (June, 2014).
"Joe W." Steel Toe Review 17 (June, 2013).
"All Fires." The Blue Bear Review 2.2 (December, 2012).
"Residuals." The Houston Literary Review (April, 2011).
- Re-printed in Southpaw Journal 7 (March, 2012): 19-22.
"Gradation." Foliate Oak (December 2010).
- Re-published in East of the Web (March, 2011).
- Anthologized in Get Your Goat. Burnt Bridge Press (July, 2012).
"Cross Timbers." The Driftwood Review (November, 2010).
"Monday, October 6th." The Citron Review (June, 2010).
- Featured in "Seth's Sunday Shorts." The Rumpus. (July, 2010).

"Sandy." Dime Show Review. (February, 2018).
"All Costs." Journal of Microliterature. (February, 2016).
"The Weight of Violence." Burningword 77.1 (January, 2016): 20
"Encephalopathy." Aethlon 30.1 (2014): 95-96.
"February, PA." Hulltown 360 (January, 2011): 38-39.

"Barbara Crooker's Les Fauves." Journal of New Jersey Poets 55 (April, 2018).
"Return of the King with Dr. Brad Fest (LeBron, not Tolkein)." The Jabsteps (June 2017).
"Claiming the Terrain: The Stories of Pam Houston." High Plains Reader (March, 2012).
"Michael T. Young's The Infinite Doctrine of Water.Journal of New Jersey Poets 56 (2019).

© 2018 Geoff Peck | Easton, PA

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